<project> steps(11)

Make Your Own Mondrian

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Paint makes a mess. Code is so much cleaner. Use this project to recreate a classic Modern artwork, Piet Mondrian’s Composition II in Red, Blue, and Yellow in your browser using basic web building blocks.

A great project for: Modern art buffs, aspiring art forgers and anyone that is interested in drawing with nothing but code.


Skills Needed: None!

Skills Learned: Divs, Basic Positioning, Basic HTML, Basic CSS, Color, Measurement

Submitted By: Coder Team

Back to the basics

If you’re new to Coder and unsure how to start you might want to take a quick step back. Check out these other Coder Projects for more help getting started.

Alright, let's get started

As always, let’s start by making a new App in Coder. You call it whatever you want. We’ve called ours “Modern Mondrian.”

Step 1: Paint your gallery wall.

Before we do anything else lets give our selves a nice big wall to hang our painting.

Our CSS code looks like this:

body, html { background-color: #f6f6f6; }

Step 2: Hang your canvas

Let’s make a big box. This will be the canvas for our code painting and the container we will put everything else we will make into. To make our painting we will be using two new concepts: #id and <div>.

The new CSS code we added looks like this:

#painting { background-color: #fff4db; width: 400px; height: 400px; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; box-shadow: 10px 10px 0px #8d8d8d; }

Now let’s add that style to an element on our HTML page.

Our HTML looks like this:

<body> <div id="painting"></div> </body>

Divs are tags that help divide and segment a page. You can think of them like boxes that can be styled and positioned using CSS. You can also put stuff inside them, such as text, pictures, and even other divs. They are the basic building blocks of any website and a fundamental part of this project. So get ready to make a lot of them.

Step 3: Let’s start “div”-ing it up.

Now that we have our basic structure, it’s time to define the structure of our painting. It’s very helpful to plan out and divide the work into sections before we begin coding. Positioning and dividing up boxes with DIVs and CSS is much easier if you’ve already done the math.

We will be thinking about the works as rows, columns, and boxes. Each one of these will have their own CSS #id and one or more corresponding HTML <div>s. Some of them will be visible and colored. Others will be invisible but serve to hold the boxes in proper position and alignment.

Here’s an illustration of how how these divisions will work and what the measurements for our finished piece will be:

We’ll start by making our top row the one with the big box on the right and two smaller boxes on the left.

Our CSS looks like this:

#toprow { height: 290px; }

Our HTML looks like this:

<body> <div id="painting"> <div id="toprow"></div> </div> </body>

Step 4: Make the big box

Alright, now let’s start adding some of those boxes we talked about. We’ll start with the biggest, most colorful one of them all: the big red box in the upper right.

Our HTML looks like this:

<body> <div id="painting"> <div id="toprow"> <div id="bigbox"></div> </div> </div> </body>

The CSS addition looks like this:

#bigbox { width: 290px; height: 290px; }

Step 5: Add some color and some class

Now let’s give that box some color! Now you’re probably thinking we could just add a background-color attribute to the #bigbox id we already created, and you would be correct! That would get the job done pretty well. But remember we want to give multiple boxes the same color later in the project. For that a CSS .class will be a better choice.

Classes are similar to the #id styles we’ve been working with except the same class can be used to style multiple elements, including DIVs that already have #ids in our layout. That will make more sense in just a bit. Let’s make that .class first.

.red { background-color: red; }

If you’d prefer more control and variation in color you can use a hex value.

.red { background-color: #cc3333; }

To apply the .red class to our #bigbox DIV, simply add the text class="red" to its tag in HTML.

<body> <div id="painting"> <div id="toprow"> <div id="bigbox" class="red"></div> </div> </div> </body>
.red { background-color: red; } .blue { background-color: blue; } .yellow { background-color: yellow; } .black { background-color: black; }

Step 6: Float it right

You probably noticed the big red box is on the wrong side. These things happen. Web elements will default to the upper left if they aren’t assigned any other positioning. Let’s move this box to the place its supposed to go.

There are many different ways of positioning an element the but method we will be using is called float. It makes things move (or float) either right or left until they bump into something. Normally a DIV will position itself underneath the previous element, but when DIVs are "floated", they can align side-by-side until there is no more space and they are forced to wrap.

Here's the relevant CSS:

.right { float: right; }

And here's what changed in the HTML:

<div id="bigbox" class="red right"></div>

Note that an element can only have a single #id, but it can have more than one .class.

Floated elements will stack up against each other. This means if we give all the boxes in our rows the .right .class they will float up next to each other and form a nice horizontal row. That’s what we want for the next step.

Step 7: Add a divider

Now let’s add one of those black bars. We’ll add them the same way we added the big red box. Make a new #id for the top divider and assign a color and position class to it in the HTML. our divider is 10px wide and 290px tall.

Our CSS code looks like this:

#divider1 { height: 290px; width: 10px; }

And our HTML:

<body> <div id="painting"> <div id="toprow"> <div id="bigbox" class="red right"></div> <div id="divider1" class="black right"></div> </div> </div> </body>

Step 8: Make a column

Now let’s make a column, called #topleftcolumn. We will be putting three boxes in it, two with the .mediumbox class, and a horizontal #divider2 in between.

#topleftcolumn won't be visible, but it helps position and stack those three boxes vertically within that last bit of the row.

<body> <div id="painting"> <div id="toprow"> <div id="bigbox" class="red right"></div> <div id="divider1" class="black right"></div> <div id="topleftcolumn" class= "right"> <div class="mediumbox"></div> <div id="divider2" class= "black"></div> <div class="mediumbox"></div> </div> </div> </div> </body>

Our CSS additions look like:

.mediumbox { width: 100px; height: 140px; } #divider2 { height: 10px; width: 100px; }

Since the two boxes are the exact same size we can use one .class for both of them instead of using a unique #id.

Step 9: Do the middle row divider

This is just another black divider, but it's not inside #toprow.

Here's the HTML markup. Can you figure out the CSS?

<body> <div id="painting"> <div id="toprow"> <div id="bigbox" class="red right"></div> <div id="divider1" class="black right"></div> <div id="topleftcolumn" class= "right"> <div class="mediumbox"></div> <div id="divider2" class= "black"></div> <div class="mediumbox"></div> </div> </div> <div id="middlerow"></div> </div> </body>

Step 10: Fill out the bottom row

Now you’re ready to do the last row your self. You have all the pieces and knowledge at your disposal. The process is the same as the top row we just completed just with different sizes and colors. Keep an eye on those little boxes at the right. They’ll need their own column.

Step 11: Mess around with it

You’re done! Doesn’t it look great? Actually, maybe it doesn’t look that great. Maybe you want to make it wilder, add more colors or change the ones that are already there. Good thing that’s easy to do. Go back into the CSS tab and start changing the values of the color classes we made. If you’re feeling really crazy, maybe change some box sizes or add new ones. See if you can make it a whole new painting.

Bonus Rounds

Congrats on the finished piece. If you’re interested in taking your new found Modern art skills to the next level try some of the exercises below.

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