<project> steps(6)

Two.js Puppy

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Drawing with code can be a walk in the park with the help of Javascript and the handy drawing library Two.js. In just a few lines of code your browser becomes your sketchbook.

A great project for: Dog lovers, doodlers, and javascript junkies.


Skills Needed: Basic Javascript, Basic HTML, Basic CSS

Skills Learned: Basic Two.js, Working with Javascript Libraries

Submitted By: Coder Team

Before we get started with two.js.

Drawing a puppy seems simple (and it is with Two.js!) but it requires a little experience with Javascript first. If you’ve never ventured into the JS tab on Coder you might want to start with a previous project.

Step 1: Setting up our sketchbook.

Let’s get drawing! We’ll need to do a little bit of set up, but once we’ve got the pieces in place we’ll be able to draw with just a few lines of code. First we’ll upload the Two.js library to our project, then we’ll tell the code how to find Two.js. We’re actually already using some other helpful javascript libraries, like jQuery & Ace, so adding Two.js will be a breeze. In fact you can use all sorts of helpful libraries with Coder using these same steps.

Our code looks like this. Note that your path might look a tiny bit different if you've named your project differently.

<script src="/static/apps/two_puppy/media/two.js"></script>

Our full <body> code looks like this:

<body> <div id="doodle"> </div> </body>

Our full CSS code looks like this:

body { background-color: #FFFAED; }

Nothing to look at quite yet. But now it’s on to the JS tab where all the magic happens.

Step 2: A simple circle.

With two.js and just a few lines of code we can start drawing simple shapes anywhere in the browser window. Here’s the first bit of javascript we’ll add (inside the $(document).ready( function() ) to our JS tab to draw a blue circle. We’ll go through it line by line below.

Our code looks like this:

$(document).ready( function() { var elem = document.getElementById('doodle'); var two = new Two({fullscreen: true}).appendTo(elem); var dot = two.makeCircle(120, 120, 100); dot.fill = '#52C5DC'; dot.noStroke(); two.update(); });

Not too crazy, right? Let’s go through line by line and see what each does.

If you’ve got everything typed in correctly you should see a blue circle in the top left of your preview screen. Try changing some of the numbers used for the circle or swap in your favorite HEX color.

Step 3: Just Doodling.

Step 2 covered the basics of Two.js but before we dive into drawing our puppy let’s play with 2 more draw functions in Two.js: makeLine() & makeRectangle(). They do just what you’d expect, but require slightly different code. Try adding this code before two.update().

Our code looks like this:

var rect = two.makeRectangle(260,120, 210,100); rect.fill = '#6cbf58'; rect.stroke = '#ffffff'; rect.linewidth = 5; var line = two.makeLine(20,20, 210,300); line.stroke = '#ff4c22'; line.linewidth = 8;

Based on the circle, you can probably guess what’s going on here, but let’s look at a few of the details.

You can probably imagine all sorts of cool things to draw with just these shapes. Go ahead and play around with some of the numbers or create more circles, rectangles, and lines. We’ll start fresh in step 4 to draw our puppy.

Step 4: Puppy Positioning.

Now that we know how to draw basic shapes we can draw almost anything. When you can draw anything, why not draw a puppy? To help us draw we’re going to use a few more tricks and variables, just to make it a little bit easier.

Also, up until now we haven’t exactly explained the x and y numbers that determine position, but it’s simple. Two.js uses a basic coordinate system with 0,0 in the upper left corner of your browser, with the numbers increasing as you move down and to the right. X gets bigger to the Right, Y gets bigger toward the bottom. You’ll find that almost all graphics programming uses this same coordinate system.

So with all that in mind, let’s write some code to draw a circle in the middle of our screen, no matter what size our browser is.

Our code looks like this:

var elem = document.getElementById('doodle'); var two = new Two({fullscreen: true}).appendTo(elem); var position = new Two.Vector(two.width/2, two.height/2); var head = two.makeCircle(position.x, position.y, 100); head.fill = '#52C5DC'; head.noStroke(); two.update();

We really only needed one new line of code to center the circle in our screen. Let’s take a look.

Preview your app now and try resizing and refreshing the app. The circle won’t move when you resize the browser, just when you refresh, but it’s still a great way to position things when you’re not sure what size the browser window will be.

Step 5: Puppy Time.

Oddly enough, we’re almost done! Using everything we’ve learned we can draw (almost) all of the pieces of a puppy. Check out how we’re drawing the rest of the puppy in the code below. One important thing to note, you’ll need to draw your shapes in the order you want them layered. Just like real paint, the first thing you draw will be at the bottom.

Our code after head.noStroke(); looks like this:

var nose; nose = two.makeCircle(position.x, position.y+30, 32); nose.fill = '#EFB8D2'; nose.noStroke(); var eyeLeft; eyeLeft = two.makeCircle(position.x+42, position.y-26, 32); eyeLeft.fill = '#FFFFFF'; eyeLeft.noStroke(); var pupilLeft; pupilLeft = two.makeCircle(position.x+42, position.y-26, 20); pupilLeft.fill = '#7FC35E'; pupilLeft.noStroke(); var earLeft; earLeft = two.makeEllipse(position.x-100, position.y-80, 26, 46); earLeft.fill = '#52C5DC'; earLeft.noStroke(); earLeft.rotation = Math.PI / 4;

It looks like a lot, but it’s really just same bit of code we used to draw our circle repeated for other parts of the puppy. There are a few new things in there to draw the ear that we’ll explain now.

We still need to draw the right side of the puppy! Try making the right eye, pupil, and ear on your own based on the left side’s code. If you’re feeling lazy our code is below.

Our code looks like this:

var eyeRight; eyeRight = two.makeCircle(position.x-42, position.y-26, 32); eyeRight.fill = '#FFFFFF'; eyeRight.noStroke(); var pupilRight; pupilRight = two.makeCircle(position.x-42, position.y-26, 20); pupilRight.fill = '#7FC35E'; pupilRight.noStroke(); var earRight; earRight = two.makeEllipse(position.x+100, position.y-80, 26, 46); earRight.fill = '#52C5DC'; earRight.noStroke(); earRight.rotation = -Math.PI / 4;

Our puppy is almost complete, but he’s missing a mouth! That’s a more complex shape that we’ll cover in our final step.

Step 6: Lickity Split.

Two.js has a few helpful methods to draw simple shapes like circles, rectangles, lines, and ellipses, but if we want to draw more complex shapes we’ll have to do it ourselves. Our puppy’s tongue is basically half an ellipse, but that makes it a unique shape that we’ll draw using a new method called two.makePolygon(). It works a little bit like a two.makeLine() but we can use as many points as we want. Check out the code for our tongue.

Our code looks like this:

var tongue; tongue = two.makePolygon(0,0, 100,0, 100,0, 90,58, 50,80, 10,58, 0,0); tongue.curved = true; tongue.fill = '#EE3E36'; tongue.noStroke();

If you preview this code you’ll see the tongue is pretty big and stuck in the top left corner. That’s ok, we can reposition, scale, and rotate it later. Here’s what these first few lines are doing.

Now let’s get the tongue in the right place. Here’s a few more lines of code with some new properties that help us position the tongue.

Our code looks like this:

tongue.translation.x = position.x-40; tongue.translation.y = position.y+86; tongue.scale = 0.4; tongue.rotation = Math.PI / 5;

That’s it! Preview your app, and if everything is written correctly you should see your new puppy.

Bonus Rounds

Now that we’ve got the basics of drawing done, let’s see what else we can make with Two.js.

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